Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Incompetence at its FINEST. (RANT)

What a freaking day. Today was a day of incompetence on many levels.

Let's start with our accountant. Adam filed his 2009 taxes late and so they basically did 2009 and then 2010 a couple of months later. We purchased a house in May, 2010. The accountant- who didn't call us back for several months and we essentially had to FIRE him before he'd return our calls- filed on December 9, 2010. We've been waiting for our tax return since. In December, I mentioned to Adam that I thought it was strange that our accountant filed the Homebuyer's Credit ($8000) for 2009, but I figured that it had to do with some pending IRS things going on (it's a long story). Recently, as our homebuyer credit is still not here, I started asking questions. Adam FINALLY called the accountant. He said, "You know more than I do, but why would we have filed it in 2009 for a house we purchased in 2010?" The accountant's reply: "Uh, uh, we did." Adam said, "We did what?" His reply... "Uh, I need to do some uh, checking and get back to you." it's been 48 hours, no call. I told Adam to call the IRS directly because it sounds like this guy royally screwed us.

Then I went to Office Depot to buy a new digital camera. 2 weeks ago when I was there, I had picked one out (about $200) and the sales guy had talked it up. We get up there to purchase it, and he says, "Oh, it's not in stock." After conversing with his boss, we found out that the reason it's not in stock is because it's been DISCONTINUED. I asked him, "WHY in the world would you have something still on display if it's been discontinued?" He said he didn't know and the new display would be up "early next week". Well I went back the next week, and have called twice since then, and they said it would be up today. It's not. Now I need a new digital camera for a work event and I'm SOL.

Following Office Depot, I went to a small printing shop in Warrensburg. First of all, I will never go back there after this time because the owner is a pervy dude that was really drunk on New Years Eve and wouldn't stop staring at my cleav and Adam had to turn around and have some words with him. (I just realized this today). 2 weeks ago I ordered 4 plaques to be made. The salesgirl said, "When do you need these by?" I said, "As soon as possible, but no later than the 13th." She said, "Well, the due date will be the 12th." I said, "That's fine, but i need them to be finished BY THAT DATE because I have a ceremony that day and have to have the plaque." I called yesterday, she said they had a "large order" and it would be done by the due date, today, after 3:00. I went in at 3:30 and after she gave me a funny look when I told her I was there to pick up, she said, "Oh, those aren't done. When do you need them by?" I said, "I HAVE to have them by tomorrow, no exceptions". She replied, "Oh okay, well they will be done". (I swear if this isn't done some heads are gonna roll). 

As I returned to my office, I couldn't find a parking spot, because we share our office with Missouri Probation and Parole, which means that we have a lot of unsavory, dirty and creepy people lurking around our office and cars five days a week. Today, Tuesday, is Sex Offender Check In Day, where all of the Sex Offenders in the county (all 114 of them) have to check in at some point. Which means that we don't get parking spots, because their 1973 rusted beaters are rumbling in OUR spots. I have more class than to park in the Handicapped spots, but they sure as eff dont! They don't mind pulling their greasy cars right into the spot that's clearly marked "HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE $50- $300 FINE".

/end rant. What a flippin day.

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