Friday, November 5, 2010


As the weather gets colder and the leaves crisper, I can't help but think about the wonderful holidays coming up! The holiday season is really the best time of the year, and as I've gotten older I've really become a lot happier when Christmas rolls around. (It helps that last year I was on a beach the week before!)

In honor of Thanksgiving and the Facebook "Thankfulness" challenge- I will post the things I am most grateful for. But I won't do it every day. Maybe every week or so. So since it's already November 5, here's 5 things I'm so thankful for today:

1. Adam. He came into my life like a whirlwind and stuck around. He's seen me at my absolute worst, he's seen me at my radiant best. We have so much fun together. We get each other. We're stubborn together. We have barely anything in common except for our joint love from the Golden Girls. He loves anything grilled and I'm a sucker for fried; he loves old music and I'm a total pop star; he loves Clint Eastwood movies but I love Reese Witherspoon. It works. He adores me, and I'm quite fond of him as well.

2. My job. Sure, it's rough some days. Sure, it took 100 resumes, 2 interviews and 20 rejection letters to get here, but a lot of people are still without jobs in this economy. I'm grateful for the opportunity and the challenge that it is and will be for me.

3. Zumba. Before I got caught up in Zumba, I was silently (okay, not so silently) cursing my ever widening hips at home, sitting on the couch. Zumba has not only given me a lot more energy, shrunk me just a little, but also given me valuable "me" time- away from the hustle and bustle of my home! I love that one hour I'm away!

4. My mother. She's a good mama. She answers my 20 calls a day, she laughs at most things I have to say, but she can always put me in my place.

5. Mod Podge. I love it. It has helped me in my pursuit of crafts. I love creating things, and it makes it all work!

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